3D baby photos

Today was our 20-week ultrasound. We have our visits at the hospital in town that uses new 3D technology for ultra-detailed ultrasound photos. Everything looks good -- we've got a 4-chamber heart and all the bits and pieces look to be in place. The Dr. said they cannot rule out all potential problems - but from what they saw today everything looks good. Jason and I were so relieved! No, we didn't find out the sex. Jason thinks he saw a little pedaddler, but you never know. I had a girl dream about 2 weeks ago, so it could go either way. Guess we'll find out in February!
Jason got a little misty-eyed while he watched our little one moving around on the screen. We saw the legs crunch up and extend out again, saw arms and the head moving and the mouth opening and closing. It was SOO cool!
We even got a CD of photos from our visit. I'll post one if I can figure it out.
I'm so excited to meet this little person.