Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I'm in my sister's wedding on Saturday and I'm terrified that my bridesmaid dress will no longer fit. I've been packing on the baby weight (or it might just be the McDonald's...). The dress zipped up perfectly 3 weeks ago, but I've been getting bigger and bigger every week! I pick up the dress tomorrow... or not. Guess it depends on whether or not it fits.
I even have a pair of maternity pants that feel snug in the butt now. That's just wonderful. Like I don't spend enough $$ on these things and then they aren't going to last me the whole pregnancy? That's so not fair. I had a lady at "Hot Mama" in the twin cities tell me yesterday that these prego jeans for $175 were a great deal because at least they'd fit great. Sure, that would have been fine if they were the first and only pair of jeans I bought - but I've purchased 3 pair so far and combined they still wouldn't be more than $175! What a rip off. I thought wedding stuff was costly, but you buy one outfit and wear it one day. Prego clothes you buy and expect to wear for 9 months, then your body decides that's not going to happen and you have to buy more! I think I'm just going to buy a cute sheet and cut a hole in it for my head and wear that from now on. Maybe I could accessorize with a cute belt.


Blogger nanners said...

hey anna! didn't know the address to your blog until you posted on Brian's. Do you mind if I link to you as well? also, wine and cheese party next wed. at 9 p.m. at Christa's. We don't know your new e-mail address, and i lost your hotmail one. e-mail me!

October 14, 2005 7:46 PM  

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