Sunday, July 31, 2005

My family is nuts

Ok, who's family isn't nutso? But honestly. I thought I could go completely out of my freaking mind this weekend! I drove to see dear sister and her hubby to be in Wisconsin. My parents also went there for the weekend. We ladies engaged in some serious retail therapy all day Saturday and were supposed to end the evening by addressing sister's wedding invitations. I really only went to visit for the weekend because I was asked to help with these invites - not to shop. Although it was nice to try on maternity clothes at some bigger stores. So we finally get to the invitations... it's close to midnight on Saturday and there's HALF AN ADDRESS LIST!!! OMG! I know that my dear sister isn't always super organized but I guess if I had my family coming to stay the weekend from 2+ hours away I would have my shit together. Grr! So we're all tired and bitchy and crabby and then we can't even get the project done that was supposed to get done! There was one list typed up with several spelling errors and inaccuracies and bits missing, then there's the faxed handwritten list that we couldn't read. I asked her why she didn't have it all together and it was, "I just whipped this together." I said, you don't ***WHIP*** together a wedding address list. Honestly, I only got married once, too, and somehow I managed to have the list on one document. On top of it I didn't sleep well both nights I was there and my mother brought up that I don't tan and am ULTRA white and other assorted comments that weren't super nice (some having to do with calorie intake - which is NOT excessive). I'm pretty much over the fact that I don't tan. I don't try to, so I'm never really surprised when it's brought up, although she acted like today was the first day that she's ever seen my white legs in shorts.
This poor kid. It's already part of a dysfunctional family. I wish I could change some things, but that ship has already sailed.


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