Monday, August 15, 2005

Funny things

OK, so I've been encouraged to have a pregnancy journal -- because someday my little person will want to know about how Daddy bought an expensive piece of artwork off a wall at a restaurant where he and some fishing buddies had stopped for a "fish boil." He says he bought it for the bean (baby) and that bean might really like it and since neither of us have met bean yet, how was I to argue. After I was mean about it (hey you're on a fishing trip, stick to fishing and not art shopping for a baby room!) I saw the painting and it's really quite lovely. You wouldn't blame me for being an art psycho after two other lovely pieces of art that my dear hubby has brought home. ONe is the Preening Egret, which he bid on at a local Gander Mtn store. He did not win the bid, but the guy from wildlife unlimited or something like that, called my hubby and said that he didn't win the bid, but they couldn't get any of the other winning bidders to come forward and actually pay for the hideous painting, so he asked that we come up with $270 for the thing. He ASSURED us it would be a tax deduction. This March our tax guy said no way. He said "you bought a painting. you can't deduct that." NICE. This thing is now hanging in my bedroom. The other one he brought home is a deer with an extra long hind leg walking through the woods with some colorful bird (pheasant?) on a log in the foreground. I hate that one just as much, so I think it's in the basement somewhere. All that stuff will be going into the eventual family room. Meantime I hope it grows mold and we have to chuck it.
So I was not pleased to hear my hubby had picked out another piece of art... but this one turned out ok. But, he's not allowed to buy anymore art without it being a joint decision.

A few weeks ago the neighbor girls, M & A came over in the evening to roast marshmallows over our nearly-spent coals in the grill. M asked if I could have my baby tomorrow. (wasn't even showing then.) I explained that we would have to wait until on or about February 9th. I said the baby might come early or it might come late. Little A chimed in with, "Or it might come in the afternoon!" Seems logical. I love that she said that. It was really cute.

I think I'm going to have to start some kind of fitness regimen. I mean I walk at lunchtime 3+ days a week, but I feel like I've lost all endurance. I can barely make it the 1/2 block up to my parking spot without getting a teeny bit winded. That's not like me. I'm no super fitness freak, but I at least had the endurance to tackle a 1/2 block hill. I'm going to go back to yoga on wednesday evening. Should be interesting... you know pregnant ladies are often gassy and I'm afraid my butt in the air could be dangerous to others in the class. I guess we'll wait and see.


Blogger Our Catholic Family said...


I am due on March 2nd and its our first baby too. I loved your 3D pictures!! I am so jealous, I wish one of our local hospitals (or at least one within 3 hours driving distance) had one.

Ironically we also call our baby, Beans. This is b/c our first ultrasound he/she looked like a bean. :)))

November 16, 2005 7:52 PM  

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