The cutest baby ever!

OK. I've got a cute kid. I know I'm biased - but seriously - she's gorgeous. Gerber cute even. My little 12 pound princess! Today was Easter and baby G wore a stunning party dress. It was white with pink flowers. She had matching bloomers, white tights and a pretty white sweater. She also wore a pink bonnet with a bow. Now that she's smiling huge smiles and showing off her sometimes-there dimples, she's just so much fun! I hate that in the next few weeks I'll be going back to work. I'm just not sure how I'll be able to do that. Besides the getting up at a certain time every day and getting us both ready and out the door and dropped off to daycare and then getting me to work all by 8 a.m. Should be interesting... I'm not looking forward to it. She's just getting to be so pudgy and sweet and cute. We coo and gurgle back and forth to each other, we look deep into each other's eyes and smile big smiles. It's wonderful and it nearly brought tears to my eyes when tonight I kept making my lips the shape of an 0 and saying whooo (like an owl) very softly to her. After a few minutes of her studying my mouth - she put her lips into an 0 and said whooo right back to me! I was so excited! We went back and forth several times before I had to run to the other room with her and show everyone else. But, alas, it was like Michigan J. Frog... she only performed for me. It was real and it was wonderful! So this is the kind of stuff I can't bear to think I'm missing while I'll be at work. Lucky daycare lady.
Anyway, here's a picture of me and my little darling on her first Easter Sunday.
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